What could my design be

Reflection on my thesis and design process
Design Future / Design Goals
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
I used to worry about what is a good design, and how to make your design be trustful and valued, like my design could influent more people, it could make users’ life happier or someday it will become a big deal.

However, sometimes, caring more about the impact, the tech we use, or how rare my design is are not making it better. Because too much concerning the result, too much pressure. And the pressure will make me could not see what phenomenon/scene I am touched (good or bad).
  • eee
  • eee
  • eee
Block Quote
So what could touch me most?
Image Title

In this process, I find SYSTEMIC DESIGN, DESIGN FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION, TRANSITION DESIGN. In each area, there are so many details I am concerning about and should learn. I believe they will make my design more researched and systematic.On top of that, I hope maybe this blog process and design could inspire readers and users to have a desire for future life, just like me:)Because there are so many designers are working on it, just like me, right?:)

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⛑07⛑Research Summary 1

News happened recently about the hidden camera
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Recording so many processes of my design, but I have not told anything why I think online privacy is so important in my view…

For past years, women’s privacy is always in lower and riskier status than men's. Because our body has been objectified since ancient times and we were educated women’s naked body is related to any sexual issues and does not belong to us. Lots of bad people used women’s bodies to profit for themselves or satisfy their own desires.

I have seen much news about women being shot secretly in public spaces, like restrooms, fitting rooms, public changing rooms… I cannot understand why they abuse women. And I feel so sorry to live in a period women could be treated in such an easy way!
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All these news I listed is only a small part of the real incidents happening. According to the news, we could tell ‘candid camera’ was not a typical issue in any sex, age, or country. It happened every day and everywhere. There still are so many related incidents that are not reported and recorded.Women are suffering from this problem.
Women are suffering from this problem.
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