Tangiable Design
2023 Core77 Design Awards in Advanced Technology Category
Inspiring young people to discover history of architectures and engage with real world through AR.
Inspiring young people to discover the history of architecture and engage with world through AR.
Barak Chamo
Personal work
Interaction Designer
Lego Builder
01 . 2021 ⎯ 03 . 2021
01. challenge
How might we delightedly send 💛love + miss🩵 to lover in the long distance relationship(LDRs)?
Pulse allows users to send 💛love and miss🩵 to their lovers in a creative and playful way.
When users want to tell love and miss, they can touch Pulse's heart sensor button. Its 2 planets will rotate together in different places and spin up as fast as the user's heartbeat rate.
03. Vision
Have a look with stop motion video to see how Pulse allows users to send 💛love and miss🩵 to their lovers in a creative and playful way.
More About The Process
What's wrong with LDRs?
Technology has completely transformed the way we experience love, intimacy and connection. In the long distance relationships people are trying to send more messages and get more responses to create a “virtual co‒presence” and enhanced feelings of intimacy.
Pain Points in LDRs
Less communication
The dopamine drip of this accelerated communication cultivates craving. But the flip side of this buzz of anticipation of texting is the anxiety from a reply that takes too long, or doesn’t come at all.
Higher daily life interruptation
Meanwhile the time and effort we put into our virtual worlds limit the time to focus on our real world and it can interrupt people's work and life routines to some extent.
Delightful virtual co‒presence
Creating a peaceful and delightful virtual co‒presence between LDRs lovers by building a physical, creative and romantic insllulation.
02. Ideation
How to get each couple fully involved?
Icon of Love
When we talk romantic love, the first thing poped in my mind is heart-beating. People's heart always flutters when they see or miss their lover.
Lego Bricks
The best way of immersing people to the real world is hands-on. Couples could enjoy pleasure and sense of achievement if they build  LEGO bricks together.
Inspiration of Star
In Chinese ancient romantic poems, poets always use stars to present missed lover. Inspired by the poem:纤云弄巧,飞星传恨,银汉迢迢暗度, I want create LEGO planets engaged with heart beats to communicate lovers' miss and love.
03. CODE
04. Creating LEGO Planets
Create from 0
I need to create virtural LEGO planet models first, pick the bricks, and then build them up because there are no selled brick packages in the current LEGO market.
LEGO 3D Models
Playing with LEGO Bricks
05. Prototyping
Based on all work I did before, I connected LEGO planets, LEGO motors, battery boxes, Ardunio, heart sensor together.
Building up every pieces
06. Storytelling
In order to touch more couples, I want to tell the whole story in a entertaining way.So I decided to make a LEGO stop motion video.
Building up every pieces
All media copyright © YuxuanHou
All right reserved.
Thanks for stopping by :)
🧋️ Let’s grab a milktea & timeslot to talk!


Pulse allows users to send miss to their lovers in a creative way. It is a physical interaction installation made of Lego and driven by Arduino with heart sensors and code.


physical interaction+code
Barak Chamo
independent work
conceptual work
physical interaction installation | LEGO planets | 3D models | creative video | coding
Procreate | LEGO Stud.io | Blender | Stop Motion Studio | Premiere Pro | PS
LEGO Bricks | Arduino | Heart Sensors



Problems of LDRs love in the digital age
Technology has completely transformed the way we experience love, intimacy and connection. In the long-distance relationships(LDRs) people are trying to send more messages and get more responses to create a “virtual co-presence” and enhanced feelings of intimacy.
The dopamine drip of this accelerated communication cultivates craving. But the flip side of this buzz of anticipation of texting is the anxiety from a reply that takes too long, or doesn’t come at all.Meanwhile the time and effort we put into our virtual worlds limit the time to focus on our real world and it can interrupt people's work and life routines to some extent.
- lower degree of communication responsiveness & feelings of intimacy
- higher level of anxiety because of life & work interruption
Creating a peaceful & delightful "virtual co-presence" between LDRs lovers by building a physical, creative & romantic insllulation



How to get every couple fully involved
Icon of Love
When we talk romantic love, the first thing poped in my mind is heart-beating. People's heart always flutters when they see or miss their lover.
LEGO Bricks
The best way of immersing people to the real world is hands-on. Couples could enjoy pleasure and sense of achievement if they build  LEGO bricks together.
In Chinese ancient romantic poems, poets always use stars to present missed lover.

Inspired by the poem"纤云弄巧,飞星传恨,银汉迢迢暗度", I want create LEGO planets engaged with heart beats to communicate lovers' miss and love.



Logical of Code


LEGO Planets

I need to create virtural LEGO planet models first, pick the bricks, and then build them up because there are no selled brick packages in the current LEGO market.
LEGO 3D Models
Playing with LEGO Bricks



Based on all work I did before, I connected LEGO planets, LEGO motors, battery boxes, Ardunio, heart sensor together.
Building up every pieces



Stop Motion Shooting
In order to touch more couples, I want to tell the whole story in a entertaining way.
So I decided to make a LEGO stop motion video.

What could my design be

Reflection on my thesis and design process
Design Future / Design Goals
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
I used to worry about what is a good design, and how to make your design be trustful and valued, like my design could influent more people, it could make users’ life happier or someday it will become a big deal.

However, sometimes, caring more about the impact, the tech we use, or how rare my design is are not making it better. Because too much concerning the result, too much pressure. And the pressure will make me could not see what phenomenon/scene I am touched (good or bad).
Block Quote
So what could touch me most?
Image Title

In this process, I find SYSTEMIC DESIGN, DESIGN FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION, TRANSITION DESIGN. In each area, there are so many details I am concerning about and should learn. I believe they will make my design more researched and systematic.On top of that, I hope maybe this blog process and design could inspire readers and users to have a desire for future life, just like me:)Because there are so many designers are working on it, just like me, right?:)

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